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Solana: Handle error in instruction

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Handling errors in Solana instructions

In the context of Solana, instructions are a key component of smart contract programming. However, when an error occurs during execution, it can be difficult to handle the information and display it in the user interface (UI). In this article, we will explore how to implement error handling for executing instructions in Solana.

Defining the handle_error function

To handle errors in instructions, we need to define a custom handle_error function that will take care of displaying an error message in the UI. We can use the Result type from the std::result module to return the error value.

use std::result;

// Define a custom error type for instruction execution errors


struct InstructionError {

message: string,


impl std::error::Error for InstructionError {}

impl std::fmt::Display for InstructionError {

fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {

write!(f, "{}", self.msg)



Defining the claim_token function with error handling

Now that we have defined our custom error type, let’s modify the claim_token function to handle errors using the handle_error function.

pub fn claim_token(ctx: Context, end_time: u64) -> Result {

// ... source code ...

match result::Success {

Ok(token) => Ok(()),

Err(s) => {

eprintln!("Error retrieving token: {}", e);

let error = Error::new("Failed to retrieve token", e.to_string());





In this modified version, we added a match statement that returns an error value if the instruction fails. If an error occurs, we:

  • Print an error message to the console.

  • Create an instance of our custom Error structure using the new method.

  • Call the handle_error function to display the error message on the user interface.

Implementing the handle_error function

To implement the handle_error function, we can define a simple structure that will be used to display errors on the user interface:

use std::error;

use std::fmt;

// Define an instance of our custom Error structure for error handling

struct Error {

message: string,


impl error::Error for Error {}

impl fmt::ErrorDisplay {

fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {

write!(f, "{}", self.message)



Usage Example

Here is an example of how you can use the modified claim_token function:

uses solana_sdk::{

account_info::{next_account_info, AccountInfo},


instruction_error::Error as SolanaError,


fn main() {

let account_id = "your_account_id";

let end_time = 10 * u64::pow(9, 15);

entrypoint!("claim_token").invoke(&[account_id], &end_time)

.expect("Failed to retrieve token")



In this example, we’ve replaced the Result type with an error type that implements the Error feature. We then pass in our custom error structure using the error!() macro.

By implementing a robust error handling mechanism, you can ensure that your Solana instructions are reliable and easy to use. Remember to keep your code organized and maintainable by separating issues between different parts of your codebase.

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